Tuesday, 4 June 2019

My magazine-plan-Statement of intent

Tuesday 4th June 2019

Brief 1
My magazine is going to be about how to take care of your guinea pig. The age is 10-13 it could be male/female. My magazine will include easy steps and how the littlest things can affect a guinea pig. For example noises,also other pets like if you have a dog,cat etc.The magazine will also include pictures of my guinea pig,long shots,close up shots etc. Also my magazine will be how to clean the cage out correctly,the correct diet your guinea pig needs and what they are allowed to eat and what there not allowed to eat.

The main image on my front cover will be my guinea pig and inside the magazine it will have layout of all the things you need to clean the cage for example saw dust,hay,a little house inside the cage where your guinea pig can sleep.

Also i am going to say what they are allowed to eat because some people do not know what guinea pig can eat they might put real watery food like salad. But a guinea pig dose love carrots,peppers etc. But they cannot eat watery foods for example tomatos,cucumber etc.

Here are some pictures: